Transfer Pants

Over the years, there have been a growing number of more than 4 million wheelchair users in the U.S. including children, adults, seniors, disabled veterans, and partially paralyzed civilian.

It is challenging for those who suffer lower body injury and paralysis, particularly heavy, or has difficulty supporting their own weight to find a suitable medium for regular transfer needs in the struggle of daily living.

Transfer Pants is the brand new patient transfer device that provides lift support and helps prevent a sudden fall that may occur during transfers. It offers a unique functionality that guarantees an easy, safe, and comfortable transfer procedure.

It is a safety device used to help the patient transfer from one place to another. Not only can Transfer Pants be utilized during the transfer routine, it can also be used to help a person stand from a seated position and hold up a person while walking.

How Transfer Pants can significantly make individual’s daily living easy, safe and comfortable:
  • Transfer Pants is used to aid in lifting, transferring, lowering, and repositioning an individual in whatever means of activity the person may be inclined with.
  • It is mechanically designed with front, side, and back heavy-duty nylon handles that provide a secure place to hold on to by the carrier for ease-of-transfer and maximum transfer support
  • Interior liner is integrated that serves as painless lift support for uncomfortable wedgie prevention
  • Functional and fashionable without compromising comfort

Check Out Transfer Pants